Blog ini adalah merupakan satu perkongsian ilmu (bukanlah nasihat pelaburan yang muktamad) dan memberi pengetahuan/pendapat tentang emas fizikal dan membantu anda untuk membeli / mendapatkan emas melalui pembelian dari syarikat Public Gold dan seterusnya membuat simpanan. Saya tidak bercerita tentang emas siber iaitu pelaburan melalui pembukaan akaun emas di bank-bank (sila rujuk terus kepada bank-bank berkenaan), pelaburan internet (FOREX) dan yang seumpama. Semua keputusan berkaitan pembelian emas adalah dinasihatkan terlebih dahulu dibuat kajian mendalam mengikut kesesuaian serta keserasian dan paling penting modal yang ada serta keperluan masa depan anda. BELI EMAS BUKAN BERMAKNA KITA MENGELUARKAN BELANJA - BELI EMAS BERMAKNA MENYIMPAN - SIMPAN WANG NILAINYA SEMAKIN SUSUT - SIMPAN EMAS NILAINYA SEMAKIN NAIK.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Kenapa saya beli emas.

Ini adalah kisah bagaimana saya membeli emas Public Gold dan pendapat saya tentang emas serta perniagaan direct selling/MLM.

Yes…Public Gold bukan sistem perniagaan MLM, ia adalah ‘single level’ dimana anda beli emas daripada Public Gold dan kemudian menjualnya kepada individu lain mengikut harga pasaran semasa PG Sell dan PG Buy yang ditetapkan oleh Public Gold…itu saja!

Saya telah mengikuti dan berkecimpung dalam dunia MLM/direct selling yang tidak kurang drp 20 buah syarikat sejak saya memulakan kerjaya iaitu sekitar tahun 1985 lagi di Seberang Prai(ketika itu berumur 22 thn) sehingga yang terakhir di Kuching beberapa bulan yang lalu(modal RM408.00), yang mana satu pun daripada perniagaan ini tiada yang memberi laba yang positif buat saya, mungkin itu bukan jalan saya ataupun memang telah ditetapkan tiada rezeki saya dijalan itu…dan yang paling saya kecewa apabila saya join satu kumpulan MLM yang amat terkenal di negara kita pada ketika itu iaitu pada tahun 2008 (tahun Public Gold dilancarkan) dengan modal bukan sedikit bagi saya iaitu RM6954.00. Akibat bimbingan daripada sponsor yang ‘ala kadar’, maka saya pun gugur dengan hanya pulang modal sekitar RM2400.00 sahaja.

Dalam masa yang sama juga saya bermain FOREX sejak tahun 2005 lagi dan dari sini bermacam-macam ilmu matawang yang saya pelajari samaada online mahupun dengan membeli ebook. Pun sama, tiada apa boleh dibanggakan melalui FOREX ini, kerugian mahu lebih RM3000.00 (tahu ada orang lain yang rugi lebih banyak drp itu…). Saya berhenti FOREX setelah fatwa dikeluarkan oleh Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan berkaitan FOREX pada Februari 2012. Dalam masa yang sama juga saya melabur dalam beberapa Unit Trust melalui Public Bank Bhd. Melalui pelaburan Unit Trust ini saya tidak pernah rugi, kalau rugi pun dari segi untung yang sedikit kerana modal yang saya labur sedikit saja, maklum ketidakyakinan menguasai diri kerana pelaburan dalam Unit trust juga mempunyai risiko turun naik harga dan kita perlu membuat kajian sebelum menjual semula supaya untung… Melalui FOREX dan Unit Trust saya banyak mempelajari dan memperaktikkan ilmu ekonomi dunia samaada melalui geraf matawang mahupun secara fundamental(berita-berita semasa dunia yang mempengaruhi ekonomi).
Sehingga tiba masanya Majlis Fatwa mengeluarkan fatwa berkaitan FOREX, maka saya mula mengkaji emas dan nilai emas serta sejarahnya. Ini amat perlu untuk kita semua sebelum membeli emas. Fahami apa itu emas, pengaruhnya kepada ekonomi dunia malah kegunaannya sebagai nilai matawang paling stabil di dunia. Perlu juga tahu apa pengaruhnya kepada ekonomi kita sebagai individu yang bergantung kepada wang kertas.
Setelah mengetahui dan faham perjalanan jualbeli dan keperluan memiliki dan menyimpan emas barulah saya berani membuat pembelian emas. Ya…saya tidak lagi ragu-ragu untuk membeli dan menyimpan emas setelah mengetahui ia boleh menjamin malah memberi keuntungan jangka panjang. Terlalu banyak ‘forecast’ daripada pakar-pakar ekonomi dunia yang menunjukkan kenaikan dan permintaan terhadap emas pada masa akan datang, ini terutamanya dari negara-negara pembangunan utama dunia seperti China, India dan Rusia yang sedang meningkatkan pembelian emas dari tahun ke tahun manakala kadar pengeluaran emas dunia dari lombong-lombong emas terkemuka dunia semakin berkurangan oleh sebab permintaan yang tinggi tadi. Ini semua kan menaikkan nilai emas! Itu hanya satu contoh, banyak lagi contoh-contoh lain yang sedang mempengaruhi kenaikan nilai emas.

Saya ingin memberi sedikit maklumat tentang perbezaan pelaburan membeli harta tanah(andaian tanah kosong) dengan emas(dalam konteks ini Public Gold) kerana saya banyak mengkaji perbezaan antara keduanya sebelum membuat keputusan membeli emas.

Dimaklumkan saya telah bekerja dalam bidang harta tanah sejak tahun 1985 lagi iaitu sekitar 27 tahun yang lalu dan agak arif berkaitan harta tanah. Sedikit saja beza antara emas dan tanah kosong. Emas amat mudah untuk kita cairkan kepada wang tunai iaitu hanya dengan menjual kepada individu lain(pastilah masa tu ada untung..) atau pun dengan menjual kepada Public Gold sendiri yang hanya mengambil masa tidak sampai 30 minit, manakala bagi tanah kosong ada sedikit kesukaran untukdicairkan kerana ia memerlukan masa untuk mencari pembeli yang sah(genuine buyer) dan seterusnya untuk menguruskan perkara-perkara berkaitan Surat Perjanjian, Cukai Setem, Pindah Milik, urusan peguam, Pejabat Tanah dll. lagi yang biasanya akan mengambil masa antara 1-6 bulan untuk selesai segalanya dan mendapat wang jualan tadi. Untuk makluman juga, tidak sedikit penjual tanah yang ditipu oleh samada pembeli mahupun ejennya. Bagaimana kalau sekiranya kita perlukan wang pada kadar segera? Lain orang lain pula bicaranya, ini pendapat saya dan apa yang saya alami…itu tanah kosong, kalau ada bangunan, ada pula kos pengurusan seperti pembaikan, upah urus, air, elektrik, cukai(macam-macam ada..) dll. malah saya sendiri nak uruskan rumah saya yang disewakan di Seremban pun kacau juga….mahu juga di jual dan beli emas…!?

Sepanjang saya mengkaji tentang emas, terlalu banyak kebaikan yang ditemui dengan membeli dan menyimpan emas. Antaranya kenaikan berterusan dari 1883-sekarang, permintaan emas yang meningkat, kejatuhan nilai matawang AS, kejatuhan ekonomi negara-negara Eropah dan lain-lain amnya, kadar pengeluaran emas yang semakin berkurangan, nilai matawang yang dipengaruhi inflasi dan lain-lain faktur yang lebih teknikal.     

Hayatilah maksud hadis Rasulullah SAW ini:

Abu Bakar Ibn Abi Maryam melaporkan bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda "Akan tiba satu zaman di mana tiada apa yang tinggal dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia maka simpanlah Dinar ( Emas ) dan Dirham ( Perak ) [Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal]

Inilah antara sebab-sebab kenapa saya beli emas. Selain dari membaca artikel ini, adalah dinasihatkan juga anda membaca berita-berita semasa berkaitan emas dunia yang terdapat di bahagian kiri blog ini serta link-link lain yang ada kerana ia kebanyakan nya adalah link berkualiti dan terpilih mengikut keutamaan.
Sekian, terima kasih. Please share.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Gold: A nice comeback staged by the bulls

The UK economy came under close scrutiny this week. We had the inflation numbers, the government borrowing figures, the budget and the consumer confidence numbers. And on every metric the news was pretty grim especially for savers and those on fixed income.

Whilst the usual cheerleading met the news that CPI inflation had fallen to 3.4% (still miles above the government mandated target let's not forget), the 27th month in a row the BoE has failed miserably to do its job. But what most in the MSM seemed to miss was the massive month-on-month jump in inflation. That rose at an eye watering 7.2% annualised rate.

Then there was news that government borrowing in February reached an all time record for that month - the market was expecting a borrowing number nearer £8bn when in actually fact the government borrowed more than £15bn - the reason was a 12% collapse in income tax receipts. And there was us thinking that the Chancellor was trying to reduce deficit spending not take it new all time records highs!

Then there was the budget where the spending and debt increases carry on their insane path. The reason that the numbers weren't as bad as they should've been was the rather predictable news that the UK government is now raiding people's pensions - stealing some £24bn from the Royal Mail pension pot. Something all governments do as a last desperate attempt to fudge the numbers.

Gold was looking like having its 4th down week in a row this morning. But this afternoon there has been a nice comeback staged by the bulls and it looks like gold will now close out the week around the $1665/£1048 level - essentially flat on the week.

Yesterday gold got as low as $1627/£1030 so this afternoon's comeback is even more impressive and should calm some goldbug fears going into next week.

Silver was similarly looking like having another bad week this morning but has followed gold up and is looking to close the week around £32.1 level - a smidgen down on the week.

All-in-all until this afternoon the grind lower over past few weeks in the precious metals looked set to continue into next week. But the nice pop this afternoon in fairly quick fashion will give some momentum for the bulls going into next week the last trading week for the month of March - maybe even gold's sell-off has bottomed here?
Article from:

Friday, 23 March 2012

They're Looting the Palace: GOLD Falls

By Christian A. DeHaemer | Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

When we awoke this fine spring day along the Chesapeake Bay, the cherry trees were in full bloom and the fog was rising off the water...

The news greeted us like a hammer.

“They are looting the palace,” it read in USA Today.

“Randgold (GOLD) is down 15% in pre-market,” said Seeking Alpha.

“Soldiers Declare Coup in Mali,” declared a headline in the New York Times.

Mali appeared to be done for.

13-Year Gold Insider Releases Largest Find Yet

He's one of the most successful gold investors in North America. And he has some major news for you...

We're just months away from taking advantage of one of the most lucrative gold finds of our time.

The foreign mercenaries who fought a nasty fight with Gaddafi against the rebels in Libya packed up and left when their paymaster took a bullet to the head.

This is one of those unintended consequences caused by bombing other countries. The CIA refers to it as “blowback.” And they should know.

The mercenaries were from the Tuareg tribe. Along with being a poor-selling Volkswagen, the Tuaregs are warlike nomads from the Sahara.

They were a key component of Gaddafi’s army.

After they lost the Libyan war to the U.S. Navy, they returned to Mali heavily trained, heavily armed, and looking for a fight...

The Tuaregs swiftly took over several villages in the Mali desert. Mali forces were out-gunned and out-matched.

Until yesterday, Mali was a shining beacon of stability in West Africa. The democratically-elected President Toure was stepping down after his second term. A new election was scheduled for next month.

Disgruntled Mali army officers were tired of fighting the Tuaregs with little food and fewer weapons, and so they seized the palace last night...

President Toure managed to escape.

That’s where we stand as I write this.

Major Gold Down 15%

Randgold Resources (GOLD) is a $9.35 billion company. They have half a billion in cash and almost no debt.

The company has a forward P/E of 15, a PEG of 0.34, and a 33% profit margin.

Good Stock to Own

As you can see from this ten-year chart, GOLD was a nice buy over the past decade.

Its competitor, Goldfields (GFI), has a lower P/E — but has more than twice as much debt as it has cash.

And most telling: If you owned Goldfields over the past 20 years, you would be at about breakeven.

The ten-year gain is about 120% if you bought at the lows of 2002, but all of that gain came in 2003. Goldfields has been stagnant since then.

In contrast, Randgold has been a long-term consistent winner.

The downside is that two-thirds of its production is in Mali.
Iran's Threats Could Make You Rich!

It's simple: Tension in the Middle East drives up energy prices.

This also makes the share prices of certain North American companies skyrocket — handing early investors like you massive gains.

The most recent news is that the mines are running as normal. Euronews is reporting:
Gold miner Randgold Resources (RRS:London) said its operations in Mali, which account for roughly two-thirds of its production, are running normally, despite worries over unrest as renegade soldiers say they have seized power in the West African country.

The soldiers earlier went on state television to declare they had seized power in protest over the government’s failure to quell a rebellion in the north of the country.

Concern over Randgold’s Loulo, Gounkoto operations and its joint venture Morila weighed on the miner’s shares on Thursday, trading down 12 percent to 5,810 pence at around 1240 GMT. But both Randgold and other miners in the country state that their operations in Mali are running normally right now.

Chief Executive Mark Bristow, who is at the company’s Loulo complex some 350 km from the capital Bamako, said exact details were unclear, but the situation at the flagship mine was calm:

“Malians respect laws and I don’t believe this will come with a high-handed change in political direction,” he said in a statement, adding the company was monitoring the situation. “We don’t expect any subsequent governments to disregard proper and due process.”

There are eight other companies with some exposure to Mali, including one small Canadian company that only produces gold in Mali.

I expect these companies will get hit hard over the next few days.


That said, my readers at Crisis and Opportunity are looking for the chance to buy the best gold-mining company in the world at a significant discount.

I also expect to make a lot of money off the small, little-known companies that have significant presence in Mali.

My readers have been cleaning up in Africa lately — banking triple-digit gains in Mozambique natural gas and watching our Somalia oil play hit three-year highs, as well as making money on the best exploration company in Kurdistan.

Nothing beats a coup d'état for picking up bargains...

It’s too early yet, but keep an eye on Randgold Resources.

And while you're waiting, check out this gold buy.

Good hunting,
Christian DeHaemer

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Why Gold Can Go the Distance

Gold’s been knocked down lately, but several enduring factors have conditioned the yellow metal for an inevitable comeback.

Since the beginning of 2012, gold has trailed its precious metals peers, gaining only about 6% compared to double-digit returns for silver and platinum. At the end of February, gold was especially hard hit, following Ben Bernanke’s announcement that there would be no additional quantitative easing and the European Central Bank offering additional LTRO loans to banks.

With this news, we’ve witnessed the fairly rare event of bullion falling below its 200-day moving average. In fact, over the past 10 years, there have only been about 30 times (or around 3 times per year) where gold has fallen below its 200-day moving average. And each time, gold has been down for the count for only an average of 10 days. This time around, I believe gold has the resilience to endure, as the long-term drivers remain in place.

In his latest Gold Monitor, Dundee Wealth Economics Chief Economist Martin Murenbeeld lists eight factors in support of the bear argument. He points to a stronger dollar, fiscal retrenchment in the European Union, improving equity market confidence, and an exit strategy from the Federal Reserve forecasting a federal funds rate hike well before late 2014 as significant factors driving gold lower.

Dr. Murenbeeld adds a caveat: while this bearishness may be a “new, exciting story” for the markets, it doesn’t make the case for gold any less compelling. In fact, he “anticipates market sentiment to flip back to the bullish half of the story as the year progresses.”

On the bullish side of the ring, Dr. Murenbeeld says there are 10 positive factors for gold, one of which is monetary reflation. I’ve discussed how global money supply has been growing in recent months, which provides liquidity for the market, but also can devalue the currency. Dr. Murenbeeld reminds readers that “money doesn’t grow on trees; it will have to be borrowed by some government and/or it will have to be printed by some central bank.”

While in Hong Kong, Global Resources Fund Portfolio Manager Brian Hicks appeared on Bloomberg to talk about the drivers for oil and gold with John Dawson earlier this week. For gold, Brian says the positive factors are alive and well, namely, rising wealth in China, Europe’s financial instability and high fiscal deficits in the U.S.

The US debt situation hasn’t been on investors’ radar for a while, but it’s still a significant factor in gold’s eventual recovery. Take a look at the chart below, which shows the condition of all Federal Reserves Banks’ total assets over the last 10 years. During 2008, total assets jumped vertically and since then, the Fed’s balance sheet has maintained a much higher level.

In addition, real interest rates are still negative for many areas around the world. Historically, negative real interest rates (the inflationary rate is greater than the current interest rate) combined with global stimulative money supply efforts have been an especially powerful combination for gold prices.

I believe the yellow metal will go the distance, and with bullion below its long-term average, it makes for a rare and attractive entry point for investors today.

Please consider carefully a fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. For this and other important information, obtain a fund prospectus by visiting or by calling 1-800-US-FUNDS (1-800-873-8637). Read it carefully before investing. Distributed by U.S. Global Brokerage, Inc.

Foreign and emerging market investing involves special risks such as currency fluctuation and less public disclosure, as well as economic and political risk. Because the Global Resources Fund concentrates its investments in a specific industry, the fund may be subject to greater risks and fluctuations than a portfolio representing a broader range of industries.

All opinions expressed and data provided are subject to change without notice. Some of these opinions may not be appropriate to every investor.

Original article from:

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Mengapa Simpan Emas

Harga emas sentiasa naik dari dulu hingga sekarang dan akan datang. Perhatikan beza kenaikan harga emas dibandingkan dengan nilai matawang kertas berikut: